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Trends and Analysis - report 1


Trends and Patterns Report - A Capacity Building estimate -
"Moving from words to actions" 
Volume 1, 2006

The World Customs Organization (WCO) actively provides capacity building for its Members to help their operations become more effective, efficient, transparent, and predictable. While capacity building takes varying forms, the WCO’s chief activity is strategically analysing a Customs administrations’ modernisation needs. Since January 2006, the WCO Secretariat and WCO Members have completed needs assessment diagnostic missions in over 60 countries under the rubric of the Columbus Programme. Consequently, the WCO now has a sizeable portfolio of diagnostic reports that contain findings and recommendations on Customs operations around the world. This document is a trends and patterns analysis of 32 of the diagnostic reports.




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Language English
Format No
Edition June 2006

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